HotLeads is an exclusive feature from Hotmart, which binds the Leads capture to the Affiliates commissioning. In order for it to work, the Producer needs to integrate her email marketing tools to Hotmart.
Check out how this integration can be set up in this article.
Therefore, the condition for this way of tracking to work properly is that HotLeads needs to be active in the product.
If a buyer register her email on an Affiliate’s capture page, whenever she makes a purchase and the system does not identify cookies in this transaction, HotLeads tracks it for you. This happens because you were the Affiliate who promoted the capture page where the lead was registered, therefore, you get the commission referring to that sale. Remember that cookies always stand out over other tracking methods.
To find products with HotLeads enabled, select "Hotleads" in More Filters in the Affiliate Market.
Here’s a description for a product with HotLeads enabled:
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